That Programming Aha Moment

Kubernetes and SQL Server

So, now I would like to get SQL Server up and running on our home lab Kubernetes Cluster. I also set up a share on my home TrueNas Core server so that I can persist the SQL Server data files. Thi...

Nginx Ingress load balancer and MetalLB

Before we put our applications in our cluster, we need a way for those applications and Kubernetes Pods to communicate with each other. There are several ways to do this and the Kubernetes docume...

Kubernetes Cluster Management

In this article, I would like to use the ‘director’ virtual machine that we created at the end of the Xen Orchestra – Add Ubuntu Server VM’s article and have this machine manage our Kubernetes Cl...

Kubernetes Cluster

In this article, we will look at creating our small Kubernetes Cluster in our Home Lab. The Cluster will consist of 1 (one) Control Plane and 2 (two) Nodes. The control plane manages the worker n...

Xen Orchestra - And Ubuntu Server VMs

In this article, we will focus on creating virtual machines in Xen Orchestra. We will use these new virtual machines as part of our Kubernetes cluster. We will create one Control Plane and two ...

Xen Orchestra – Set Up

Let’s set up Xen Orchestra to help us create and manage Virtual Machines. We will use Xen Orchestra in place of XCP-ng Center. Check out their homepage. << Previous Configure XCP-ng Creat...

Configure XCP-ng

Let’s now get XCP-ng configured and ready to create some VM’s. << PREVIOUS: Install XCP-ng On An Extra Server Remember from when I installed my version of XCP-ng, I had set my installatio...

Install XCP-ng On An Extra Server

I am looking to start creating a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal. I am thinking of creating one Control Plane and 2 nodes. In order to create the control plane and nodes that I need, I will nee...

Calling gRPC Microservices from .Net Core 3.0 Web Apis

We now need something to call our gRPC services. Here I will create an Asp.Net Core Web Api. I would look at this as the application’s gateway to the microservices. I decided to break out this p...

gRPC Authentication Microservice in .Net Core 3.0

Let’s take a look at moving Authentication to a small service using gRPC. We will interact with that service using a .Net Core 3.0 API and Postman. I decided to break out this piece into three p...